Anne of Avonlea

Anne of Avonlea


Anne Shirley accepts a teaching position at a girls boarding school in a town dominated by a rich and belligerant family determined to make her life miserable.

Anne Shirley, now a schoolteacher, has begun writing stories and collecting rejection slips. She makes the acquaintance of a handsome, rich, bachelor, (jumping to a wrong conclusion, she and Diana chased down Rachel Lynde's cow, thinking it was Dolly) & immediately sold it to John Blythe. [When she realizes her fault, Anne & Marilla do a special visit to Rachel Lynde & her longtime husband, Thomas. During this visit, Thomas Lynde dies & Rachel Lynde became a widow!] and wins (to her chagrin) Rolling's Reliable baking soda (that was forged by Diana) company's writing contest. She acts as Diana's maid of honor, and refuses Gilbert Blythe's marriage proposal; which sends her to teach Kingsport Ladies' College, an exclusive all girl students' school, where she meets opposition from the principal, Miss Katherine Brooke, and the Pringle clan (one of whom is the rich, handsome bachelor). But while Anne won the numerous conflicts & battles, and the friends she makes, she returns to Avonlea.-Kathy Li
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MovieScout Rating 8.4



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Megan Follows
Colleen Dewhurst
Marilyn Lightstone
Schuyler Grant
Rosemary Dunsmore
Kate Lynch
Geneviève Appleton
Susannah Hoffmann
Kathryn Trainor
Rosemary Radcliffe
Charmion King
Robert Collins
Morgan Chapman
Mag Ruffman
Leslie Carlson
Jacqueline Blais
Kay Hawtrey
Bruce McCulloch

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