The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest


Lisbeth is recovering in a hospital and awaiting trial for three murders when she is released. Mikael must prove her innocence, but Lisbeth must be willing to share the details of her sordid experiences with the court.

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MovieScout Rating 7.3



Tiempo de ejecución

2h 27m

Clasificación por edades

País de producción


Daniel Alfredson


Michael Nyqvist
Noomi Rapace
Lena Endre
Annika Hallin
Jacob Ericksson
Sofia Papadimitriou Ledarp
Anders Ahlbom Rosendahl
Micke Spreitz
Georgi Staykov
Mirja Turestedt
Niklas Falk
Hans Alfredson
Lennart Hjulström
Jan Holmquist
Niklas Hjulström
Johan Kylén
Tanja Lorentzon
Donald Högberg

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